All You Need to Know About CBC

blood test at home

CBC or a complete blood count test shows the measure of different blood cells in an individual. This type of blood test is common in Dubai and most places because of its utility in uncovering a number of diseases and underlying medical issues. 

The test tells you if there is any abnormality (increase or decrease) in the blood constituents. The normal range varies in people based on their age and gender. When you book a blood test at home, you can see the blood count compared to the normal range.This blog is your guide to understand about CBC blood test. 

When Do You Need a Complete Blood Count Test?

You can get a complete blood count test upon a doctor’s suggestion. Physicians or healthcare providers often recommend patients to have a CBC test during routine checkups, or during diagnosis. Even after diagnosis, a CBC test is typically suggested in addition to other tests, to monitor the effects of medication on a patient.
What Is Measured in a CBC Test? 

A CBC test measures Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), and platelets. All these blood constituents are responsible for performing different functions in the blood. 

Red Blood Cells

RBCs are responsible for delivering oxygen from lungs to all parts of the body. They also absorb carbon dioxide and release it in the lungs. A CBC test shows the readings of hemoglobin and hematocrit. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen and hematocrit shows the percentage of red blood cells in the overall blood volume. 

The normal range for RBCs in men and women are 4.32 to 5.72 million cells/mcL and 3.90 to 5.03 million cells/mcL. The normal hemoglobin range in men is 135 to 175 grams/L. In women, hemoglobin should be ideally between 120 and 155 grams/L. Lastly, hematocrit should be 38% to 50% in men and 34.9% to 44.5% in women. You don’t have to memorize these numbers, they are always in the test reports for comparison.

Low hematocrit and hemoglobin levels in blood can be signs of anemia. Higher levels, however, may be signs of severe dehydration and bone marrow diseases. 

White Blood Cells

WBCs are responsible for fighting diseases and infections in the body. Human body has five types of white blood cells. A regular CBC shows you the total count of WBCs, whereas a CBC differential test gives you the details of the individual type of white blood cells. 

WBC count between 3,500 to 10,500 cells/mcL is considered as a normal range. Abnormally high or low ratings of WBCs are signs of infections and inflammation. A CBC differential may uncover more about the problem.   


Platelets are responsible for clotting or, in simpler terms, stopping bleeding. In men, the average normal range of platelets is between 150,000 to 450,000/mcL. Deviations from this range could result in excessive bleeding, blood pressure, and cardiac problems. 

However, it is always best to discuss your reports with your doctor and not reach any conclusions on your own. 

What Is the Process Involved in CBC Testing?

For CBC testing, a phlebotomist draws blood from a vein in the back of your hand or the bend of the elbow. The phlebotomist first cleans the surface with an antiseptic cotton or a wipe, and then draws blood, which is collected in a vial and then properly labeled. After taking the sample, they place a small bandage to stop the bleeding. 

The sample is then sent to the laboratory, and soon you receive the report. In some cases, a doctor may instruct intermittent fasting before the blood is drawn.  


Getting your CBC testing done is quite helpful in monitoring general health, and may be necessary in certain health conditions. For the convenience of patients, kids, or the elderly, there is an option to book a home blood test in Dubai with ServiceMarket and get quality service at affordable prices.

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