To Do or Not to Do AC Repair

AC maintenance and repair in Dubai

Are you wondering how many times an AC needs to break down before you need to replace it? Will you call an AC maintenance company in Dubai, pay the repair fee and keep it for longer if there is another breakdown? Check out these pointers for some guidance from ServiceMarket to help you make your decision of keeping or discarding a unit:

When To Replace vs When to Repair

  • It’s a general rule of thumb that 8 years is the average life expectancy of an AC at home. Some systems can keep going for 15 years, but after that the expense of repairs starts adding up and makes it worth your while to purchase a brand new air conditioner.
  • Before you call an AC maintenance company in Dubai, go out and shop around to see what new and improved models are available on the market. It’s always good to know what’s out there, especially when the latest versions are made with the environment in mind, a positive trend that started in 2010. The latest models also include non ozone depleting chlorofluorocarbons that are found in the refrigerant.
  • Would you like to save on electricity? Before initiating an entire repair process and full maintenance on a really old AC, it’s helpful to know that some of the features on the latest ACs ensure that they use up less electricity, sometimes up to half the amount the old models used!
  • If you call a AC maintenance company to come check on your system and they inform you that the condition isn’t that serious, it’s worth it to save money for the time being and keep the AC around until a more serious problem arises. For example, the technician might say that all your AC needs is debris declogging.
  • Remind your AC repair team to check the ductwork leading to the air conditioner; sometimes, the ducts are delivering unclean and dry air into your home. If they are an issue, a professional AC maintenance team in Dubai can solve it quickly and get your AC working better than before.

Out With The Old, In With The New

If you’ve decided to replace your old AC system, here are some points to consider before purchasing the new one:

  • Ask the AC maintenance technicians in Dubai to check the insulation of your home. Faulty interior systems could be the reason behind the break down of the previous AC. Once you solve the insulation issue; you might even be tempted to keep your old AC for a few more years, until more innovative and technical models are launched.
  • If you decide to replace your unit, a company representative of a brand of your choice can help you find a suitable AC size to go with your home’s needs and requirements through a “load calculation”. When you find out the right load size, you’re ensuring that you won’t be getting a system that’s too big for your home, which would ultimately wear out wires and use up too much electricity.
  • When your electricity bills are rising, but the rates haven’t gone up for anyone else, that’s a sure sign that it’s time to get rid of your old AC. This means that the machine has become too worn out and is guzzling up electricity more than it’s ever done before and you would be better off replacing it.
  • If you found out that your AC isn’t under warranty anymore, that’s another excuse for you to part ways and look for a new cooling appliance for your home.

If you have decided to keep your unit, hire professionals to come in and fix it by looking up AC repair companies in Dubai through ServiceMarket.

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