10 Heart Disease Symptoms to Look Out For

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Heart disease is a serious health concern affecting millions of people worldwide. However, the option to book a doctor at home in Abu Dhabi has made it easier to diagnose such health challenges at an early stage. You, too, can recognize certain symptoms of heart disease yourself for early intervention and prevention. However, it is essential to note that self-diagnosis is not a substitute for professional medical advice. So, in case you experience any of these symptoms, it is imperative to consult a healthcare professional promptly.  

Explore the symptoms that might indicate you could be suffering from heart disease.

Chest Discomfort

One of the hallmark symptoms of heart disease is chest discomfort or pain. This can manifest as a squeezing, tightness, or pressure in the chest. The discomfort may also radiate to the arms, jaw, neck, shoulder, or back. While chest pain can have various causes, it is crucial to rule out heart-related issues, especially if the pain is persistent or recurs.

Shortness of Breath

Abu Dhabi’s hot climate can make even simple activities challenging, but persistent shortness of breath unrelated to physical exertion may be a sign of heart disease. The heart’s reduced ability to pump blood effectively can lead to insufficient oxygen delivery to the body, resulting in breathlessness. If you find yourself becoming winded with minimal exertion, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional.


While fatigue is a common complaint, unexplained and persistent fatigue can be a warning sign of heart disease. When the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently, the body receives less oxygen, leading to increased fatigue. If you find yourself unusually tired despite adequate rest, it is advisable to seek medical evaluation.

Irregular Heartbeat (Arrhythmia)

An irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, occurs when the heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or irregularly. Some individuals may experience palpitations, a fluttering sensation in the chest, or a feeling of skipped heartbeats. Although arrhythmias can have various causes, they may be associated with underlying heart conditions, necessitating a thorough examination by a healthcare professional.

Dizziness and Fainting

Heart disease can compromise blood flow to the brain, leading to dizziness or fainting spells. If you experience sudden lightheadedness, a feeling of faintness, or actually faint, it may be indicative of inadequate blood supply to the brain. Prompt medical evaluation is necessary to determine the cause and implement appropriate interventions.


Fluid retention or edema, often noticeable as swelling in the legs, ankles, or abdomen, can be linked to heart disease. When the heart’s pumping capacity weakens, fluid may accumulate in the body’s tissues, causing swelling. If you observe persistent swelling, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider to identify the underlying cause.

Nausea and Indigestion

Digestive issues such as nausea, indigestion, or abdominal discomfort can sometimes be linked to heart problems. In Abu Dhabi, where a rich variety of cuisines is readily available, it’s important not to dismiss persistent digestive discomfort, as it could be a subtle warning sign of heart disease.

Excessive Sweating

Unexplained, excessive sweating, especially when not related to physical activity or warm temperatures, can be a symptom of heart disease. The body may produce sweat in an attempt to cool down when the heart is struggling to pump blood effectively. If you notice persistent and unusual sweating, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

High Blood Pressure

Often referred to as the “silent killer”, high blood pressure is a common precursor to heart disease. Routine blood pressure monitoring is crucial, especially in a city like Abu Dhabi, where high-stress levels can contribute to hypertension. Regular check-ups can help manage blood pressure and mitigate the risk of heart-related complications.

Persistent Coughing

A persistent cough, especially one that produces white or pink blood-tinged phlegm, can be a sign of heart failure. Fluid buildup in the lungs due to a weakened heart can trigger coughing. If you experience ongoing coughing unrelated to respiratory infections, seeking medical advice is essential.

Cyanosis (Bluish Discoloration of Lips or Fingernails)

In severe cases of heart disease, inadequate oxygenation of the blood can lead to cyanosis, characterized by a bluish tint in the lips or fingernails. This discoloration is a clear indication of compromised oxygen delivery and requires immediate medical attention.


Abu Dhabi’s dynamic lifestyle can sometimes overshadow the importance of prioritizing heart health. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking timely medical attention can be life-saving.

If you or your family member frequently experience any of the discussed symptoms, do not waste time. Visit the ServiceMarket website and book a home consultation doctor in Abu Dhabi. Our experts can provide the necessary assessments, diagnostics, and guidance to ensure your heart remains in optimal condition. 

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