Back to Dubai: Post Vacation Checklist

women packing bag for Dubai home cleaning

Vacations are a wonderful time to relax, explore, and rejuvenate. However, returning from a vacation often involves various tasks to get your Dubai home back in order. Whether you have been away for a week or a month, having a post-vacation checklist can help ease the transition back into your routine. 

Take advantage of this checklist to ensure a smooth and stress-free return.

1. Check Your Utility Bills

One of the first things to do when you return is to check your utility bills. In Dubai, it is essential to review your DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) bills for any irregularities. Unexpected charges can sometimes occur, especially if your automatic payment settings malfunctioned or if there was a misreading. You get notifications for any irregularities even on vacation. But in case you do not, addressing any discrepancies immediately can prevent further complications.

2. Unpack

Unpacking is usually the least favorite part of coming back from vacation. However, doing it sooner rather than later can help you feel settled. Start by separating clean clothes from dirty ones to make your laundry process easier. Organize your souvenirs and any new items you bought on your trip.

3. Do Your Laundry 

Laundry is a crucial part of post-vacation chores. If the thought of doing multiple loads of laundry feels daunting, you can always book a laundry service through ServiceMarket. This will save you both time and effort. Getting your clothes clean and fresh will help you get back to your routine without the added stress of household chores.

4. Restock Your Groceries 

Make a grocery list and restock your kitchen with essentials. If you are short on time or energy, you can conveniently order groceries online through the Smiles app. They offer a wide range of products with home delivery, making it easy to ensure you have all the necessary items to resume your normal eating habits.

5. Check on Your Plants

If you have plants at home, they will need immediate attention. Check each plant for signs of dehydration or stress. Water them thoroughly and prune any dead leaves. For future trips, consider investing in self-watering systems or asking a neighbor to look after them. Keeping your plants healthy ensures a vibrant and welcoming home environment.

6. Retrieve Your Pet from the Boarding Place

If you left your pet at a boarding facility, pick them up as soon as you can. Reuniting with your furry friend will make both of you happy. Check that your pet is in good health and comfortable after their stay away from home. Dubai has many reputable pet boarding options. Be sure to check reviews and choose the best facility for your pet’s needs.

7. Replace All Bedsheets with Fresh Ones

After a long journey, sleeping in a fresh, clean bed feels amazing. Strip all the beds and replace the sheets with fresh ones. This simple task can greatly improve your comfort. It helps you feel more relaxed and ready for the days ahead. Fresh linens also make your sleeping environment healthier. They reduce allergens and ensure a better night’s sleep.

8. Have a Cleaning Session

A clean home is a welcoming home. Start by dusting surfaces, vacuuming floors, and wiping down countertops. If you are too tired or busy to clean thoroughly, you always have the option of hiring a professional home cleaning service. Companies like ServiceMarket in Dubai offer reliable and efficient cleaning services that can help get your home spotless in no time. A clean space can greatly improve your mood and productivity.

9. Sort Through Mail and Packages

While you were away, you may have accumulated a lot of mail and packages. Start by sorting through them. Separate important documents from junk mail. Look out for any bills or notices that need immediate attention. In Dubai, you can use the delivery apps of the companies delivering your packages, like the Aramex app, to manage your mail and packages more efficiently. This will help ensure that nothing important gets overlooked.

10. Update Your Calendar and To-Do List

Getting back to your routine can be challenging, especially if you have a busy schedule. Update your calendar with any upcoming appointments, meetings, or events. Create another to-do list to prioritize tasks that need immediate attention. This can help you stay organized and focused as you transition back to your daily life.

11. Backup Your Vacation Photos

Preserve your vacation memories by backing up your photos. Transfer them to a cloud service or use an external hard drive. This ensures your precious memories are safe and easily accessible. You can also create a photo album or scrapbook to relive your trip’s highlights.

12. Plan Your Next Vacation

Finally, having something to look forward to can help you get back into your same old busy schedule. So, it may not be a bad idea to do some research on new destinations, travel deals and offers, and plan your next vacation. 


Returning from vacation does not have to be overwhelming. With this post-vacation checklist in hand, your transition back to routine in Dubai can be smooth. Each task is designed to help you settle back comfortably. Embrace the process, and soon you will be back on track, ready to dive into your daily activities with renewed energy and enthusiasm. For any post vacation chores, you can always book cleaning services on ServiceMarket.

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