How Do I Call a Doctor at Home in Abu Dhabi?

doctor on call in Abu Dhabi

Imagine falling sick on a scorching hot day in Abu Dhabi. Most would prefer calling a doctor at home over going to a hospital. Even the thought of braving the traffic and crowded clinics is overwhelming! Fortunately, in the constantly improving healthcare industry, there is a convenient solution of doctor on call in Abu Dhabi at your fingertips. In this blog, you can learn all about this service, how it works, and why it could be the perfect choice for you and your family. 

How to Call a Doctor at Home in Abu Dhabi

Now, it is time to dive into how this process works step by step. It is simpler than you might imagine.

1. Scheduling an Appointment

Making an appointment is all you need to do once you have decided on a healthcare practitioner. Most providers provide several options for scheduling a home visit. The best ones let you book online using their website or mobile app. Make sure to include any relevant information, such as your location, contact information, and a brief description of your health problem.

2. The Doctor’s Visit and Diagnosis 

During the visit, the doctor will assess your condition, ask relevant questions, and may conduct necessary tests, like checking your blood pressure, and temperature, or prescribing medication. This may even include any specific tests that the doctor might recommend, in line with your symptoms.

3. Getting a Diagnosis

Following the examination, the doctor will discuss their findings with you and provide a diagnosis. If medication is needed, they will prescribe it and offer detailed instructions on how to take it. They might also suggest further tests or consultations with specialists if necessary.

4. Payment and Documentation

Once the doctor’s visit is wrapped up, you will receive a bill for the services rendered. It is crucial to settle the payment promptly, either with cash, card, or any other accepted method. Additionally, the doctor will document the visit’s details, including your medical history, diagnosis, and prescribed treatment, which will be added to your medical records.

Why Opt for a Home Visit

Now that the process has been covered, it is time to explore the multitude of benefits of calling a doctor to your home in Abu Dhabi.

Time saving

Calling a doctor to your home saves you the time you would spend commuting, waiting in line, and then waiting some more in the doctor’s office.

Family-friendly convenience

Families with little ones or elderly family members can benefit immensely from home healthcare. Managing multiple appointments can be challenging, especially when family members have different health issues. 

Reduced risk of infections

Hospitals and clinics can be hotspots for various infections. By opting for a doctor’s visit at home, you reduce the risk of exposure to contagious illnesses, which is crucial during flu seasons or outbreaks.

Personalized treatment

Home visits nurture a more personal connection between doctor and patient. The doctor can spend more time with you, addressing your questions in privacy. This leads to a more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

No commute hassles

Opting for a doctor’s visit at home means you do not have to battle the traffic or wait in those crowded lobbies.

Comfortable surroundings

Having a doctor come to your home creates a more comfortable interaction. You feel relaxed and secure discussing your health concerns.

Final Thoughts

Calling a doctor to your home offers a great solution for those in need of medical attention. It is a service that prioritizes your health and ensures that you receive top-notch medical care without the hassle of long commutes and crowded waiting rooms. Embrace the convenience, and let healthcare come to you. Book the best at-home doctors in Abu Dhabi, because your wellbeing deserves nothing less. 

With ServiceMarket, you can get online consultations at home in no time. Get an appointment through our app, or the website for blood tests, consultations, regular checkups, tests, nurses at home, and more!

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