What to Expect When You Visit a Car Dealer in Dubai

Car Dealer in Dubai

Are you considering buying a car? The Dubai car insurance experts at ServiceMarket have highlighted the experience you will go through when you visit a car dealership in Dubai. Every time you want to make a big purchase, remember to do your homework before you head on to the store. In case of buying a car, whether used or new, decide a budget, do your research on car pricing and shortlist the makes and models you’d like to see at the dealership before you walk in the door.

At the car dealership, you will now be well informed to ask the salesperson the right questions. Your homework will show that you value the salesperson’s time along with your own.

The Q&A

If you called ahead and talked to someone about your preferences before you walked in the door, make sure that that person is who you talk to at the showroom. Remember to ask about the warranty offered, the car insurance rates, a breakdown of all the fees and the mileage on the car. New cars can rack up mileage when they are used a demos or when they get driven from dealership to dealership. In case you are considering a used car, also ask questions about the car’s service, maintenance and accident history.

Test Drive

After you are satisfied with the answers, it is time for a test drive. Unless the dealership is familiar with you as a customer, it is likely that the salesperson will go with you on the drive. This gives you a good opportunity to ask more questions as you get a feel of the vehicle. However, remember to not get distracted by the conversation and follow a mental checklist of your requirements as you test drive the car. As soon as the drive is over, write down your impressions while the experience is still fresh. This way if you go for more test drives, your observations of the different rides will not get jumbled up.

If you have scheduled test drives back-to-back at other dealerships, thank the salesman and walk out the door. The salesperson will get your contact information so that they can follow up with you.


If you have decided to purchase the car you test drove, the next step is negotiating a price. Remember to never pay the sticker price of a car at a dealership. This is the number that is usually displayed on a windshield. Also, never negotiate a price based on monthly payment. Be prepared to make counter offers to the salesperson. Since you already did your research on car pricing, you will know if the salesperson’s offers are reasonable. Feel free to walk away if you aren’t satisfied with the negotiations. This is the best negotiation tactic. The dealership is bound to call you back with a better price, especially at the end of the month when dealers are trying to reach sales quotas.

Closing the deal

Once you have agreed on price, you will head on to the finance and motor insurance office to sign the papers. You should know enough about the rates of car insurance in Dubai and the needless extras that dealers commonly try to tack on to the price before you walk in this door. Most new cars come with comprehensive insurance. Be wary of add ons. You don’t want to be paying for services you might never require.

It is also a good idea to shop around for car insurance companies in Dubai before you sign a policy. ServiceMarket partners with reputable companies throughout the UAE and provides ratings and reviews from their customers.

Consider Using CarSwitch.com

A good alternative to scouting for used cars at a dealership is to use CarSwitch.com. They do all the work for you and provide you an inspection report of the used car along with a warranty. If you choose this route to purchase a vehicle, the process can save you time and money. You won’t have to haggle and CarSwitch will ensure that you get the best price.