A Comprehensive Checklist for Moving in Riyadh

Moving in Riyadh

Once you’ve settled into a home or apartment in Riyadh, it’s hard to think about packing up all over again and moving neighborhoods. If you find yourself in such a situation, the best way to go about it is to stay organized and take it one important step at a time. One aspect of this is hiring a good moving company in Riyadh. The other is to create a checklist of all the stuff you need to do and arrange it on a timeline. This checklist from the local moving experts in Riyadh at ServiceMarket will help you organize yourself and the process before it gets too overwhelming. We start at 6 weeks before the move and help you stay organized till the moving day.

6 Weeks In Advance

  • One of the first things to do once you decide to move is to notify your landlord that you’re moving. If you own the home, then you need to look for buyers or tenants to rent the place from you.
  • The next step would be to find a new house or apartment. Look for something your old house lacked. Did you always want a backyard? How about a pool? Maybe you would like fewer rooms this time to make the cleaning process easier? You get a chance to redo certain decisions in this new neighborhood that you couldn’t before.
  • Tell your friends and family you’re moving and accept any help they might offer. In times like these, any little act of kindness helps, especially when you’re going back and forth between the old and new neighborhoods. It helps to have someone watch your kids, for example, as professional movers and packers in Riyadh move your belongings.

4 weeks in advance

  • Have you settled on a school for your children? Is the new neighborhood close to the old one? If that is the case, your kids can stay at their school for the rest of the school year. Try out the commute for a few months. If you feel that it’s too inconvenient for them, you can then look into schools in your new district. If it is far, this is the best time to find a new school, especially if you are moving during the holidays.
  • Research moving companies in Riyadh for your move to the new neighborhood. Find out how much your move should cost and narrow down your list based on the quotes you receive after each moving company representative surveys your belongings.
  • If you have any say in the matter, try to pick a date that’s close to a public holiday. This way you can take some time off work to settle in and organize the new home just as you like it.

3 weeks in advance

  • Make sure you’ve arranged to cancel all your utilities in the old accommodation. This way, the next bills that come to you will be your last in that home. Inform the post office of your new address so that they can forward your mail.
  • Start packing up your belongings; the best way to organize yourself is to color-code your boxes. Blue for bathroom products, green for kitchenware, purple for bedroom items, red for living room ornaments, and so on and so forth. On the contrary, you can trust the movers to do the labelling and packing and relieve some of your moving stress.
  • Check on the new home’s air conditioners. As you know from your time in Riyadh, the summer heat is intense and there’s no way you’ll be able to settle in a new neighborhood if you’re struggling with the heat. If there’s any utility that needs fixing or checking up on, get a handyman to take a look at it before moving day.
  • Finalize a moving company in Riyadh and notify them of the moving date.

2 weeks in advance

  • If you feel your old bed sheets and kitchenware need sprucing up; now’s the time for a shopping trip! Get your new home a variety of items like dishes and bowls to liven it up. A few novel pieces like a lamp or rug placed among your old furniture can make a world of difference.

1 week in advance

  • Arrange for a cleaning crew to clean your home two weeks before you move in to deal with any major issues. From dusty windows to dirty kitchen floors, you don’t want to have to deal with a dirty home as soon as you get done moving.

3 nights in advance

  • Visit your new home and make sure there’s a clean space for you and your family to sleep; your mattress and beds will be coming with the packers on the day of the move, but check to see if the rooms they’ll be placing them in are neat and tidy.
  • Clear out your fridge and clean it.

1 night in advance

  • Go around your old home and make sure everything is packed away and ready to be moved. Keep important documents and passports with you in a handbag to avoid misplacing them among all the boxes.

Give It Time

It might seem overwhelming and exhausting, but you’re going to enjoy getting settled in your new home. Dedicate a few hours a day to tackle it and before you know it, you’ll be unpacked, relaxed, and ready to explore your new neighborhood. If you don’t like the idea of doing all the work yourself, definitely hire movers and packers. You can easily hire movers and packers in the Middle East on ServiceMarket. Whether you are looking for moving companies in Dubai or any other city, you can trust ServiceMarket to get you quotes from reliable moving companies in the region.