5 Tips for Moving with Seniors

5 Tips for Moving with Seniors

If you have your elderly parents living with you, you know that there are a lot of adjustments to be made to make sure that they are safe and comfortable. The same applies when you are leaving your old home and moving to a new neighborhood in Dubai. To help you along with the process, ServiceMarket asked its moving partner Movehub for some tips on making moving neighborhoods with the seniors in your household a breeze.

Involve them in the decision

You and your partner have decided that the best thing for the family will be to move to another neighborhood – perhaps you are looking for a better community or the new neighbourhood means less travel time for you to work or to your kid’s school, but you now have to broach the topic with the senior citizens in your household.

You don’t want to hold off on telling them for too long as they may feel confronted and left-out of the decision making process. According to Movehub, the best approach will be to tell them as soon as you have clarified your decision (hopefully well in advance of your actual moving day). You will need to sit down with them and tell them your plans and reasons for moving. In order to make them feel included in the decision, ask for their opinions and views on the potential new neighbourhoods and new homes you are considering – you never know, they may have some valuable insights that come only with age and wisdom. This will give your elderly household members a sense that their contributions are valued and will aid in making the transition as comfortable as possible.

Choose a neighborhood where good medical care facilities are nearby

It is just a fact that older people experience more health related issues than younger people and so it is quite important that you choose a neighbourhood that has medical care facilities nearby, taking into account traffic at any given time of day as well in case you need to get there in an emergency. It may help to meet a few doctors in your potential neighborhood with your parent so that they can choose someone they are comfortable dealing with. Going with them to meet the doctors and check out the medical facilities will also give you a good idea of what kind of care they are likely to receive in the event of an emergency and it means that you know exactly which doctor to call in case of an emergency.

Pick a neighborhood that allows them to be mobile

As a younger member of the family, this may not even be something that you think about, but older folk don’t always have the luxury of being able to get out and about as they used to. It is important to pick a neighborhood where they are able to enjoy the facilities with ease, so look out for things like easy walking paths (limited hills, paved walkways), no stairs, shallow swimming pools if they wish to swim, gardens that come with chairs and tables so they can sit and rest. It may be handy if the neighbourhood also has easy access to shops – either by foot or by taxi so they are not housebound and dependant on you to get out and about.

Tip: If they are unable to drive and you have chosen a Dubai neighbourhood that is in a more quiet area, try to make sure it is at least an area where taxis are abundant so your parents can still feel like they are independant.

Organise their belongings ahead of time

As you prepare for moving day, you might have recognised the need to clear out some your belongings as well as theirs. However, older family members are likely to be attached to many items that they have in their space for sentimental reasons.

When it comes to clear-out day, make sure to do this well in advance of the move so both you and your parents know exactly what must go and what must stay. It may help to pack up your parent’s room before the movers arrive so he/she can have piece of mind that everything has been securely stored and packed and they know exactly where everything is – all the mover has to do is pick the boxes up and transport them.

In the event that you disagree on what must go or stay, consider renting a small storage space where they can temporarily keep some of the items they are not able to part with yet until they come to decision on what they would like to do with it.

On moving day, arrange for them to take the kids out

On an given moving day, it is best to have a well thought out plan. When you have both seniors and kids in your household, this becomes even more important. You will have a lot on your mind, you don’t want to be worrying about their safety and well-being as well

Movehub recommends that you plan an excursion for the day where your folks take your kids out for a morning or afternoon. This will give you peace of mind that all parties will be in good hands and you will know where to find them if you begin to feel a bit worried. This scenario is a win-win – the grandparents feel useful and included in the moving procedure while you and your partner will be allowed to focus entirely on the move and get the new home somewhat organised before before everyone arrives.

Tip: A really good moving company in Dubai will go a long way in ensuring that your move is as smooth as possible and they will take into account the fact that you have kids and seniors as part of your household and do what they can to ease the transition.

To get you started with your move, ServiceMarket has partnered with reputable movers in Dubai like Movehub who have been reviewed and rated by real customers. Simply fill out the request form and get free quotes tailored to your needs and requirements.

About MoveHub

Previously known as Twiga Movers, Movehub is a professional relocation company in the region that prides itself on providing a customized moving solution for their customers moving needs. Established in UAE in the year 2011, MoveHub has grown consistently with it’s fully customer centric approach to the relocation business. Complete customer satisfaction is at the crux of the MoveHub business model. With over 15000 successful moves and 80% referral clients, it is no surprise that MoveHub has been voted as the best moving company in Dubai by its valued customers.

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